Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

The meaning of cross-selling

Cross-selling is a sales technique that is utilized to increase revenue by suggesting your customers winning products in addition to their order. In this way, you can encourage them to spend more. For example, a laptop cover or a mouse could be cross-sold to a customer buying laptop. By showing…

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What is conversion rate and why it is important

Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who actually performed any kind of specific action on your business website. A conversion could be any action that relates to a business goal. Some common types of conversion are: Making a purchase Submitting a form  Calling your business Engaging with your online…

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How to do conversion funnel marketing

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re following all the best practices to improve conversion rate, yet people are still not buying?  Set-up-wise, that is. To optimize conversion, there’s much more than just page layout, form design and copywriting. In fact, not many businesses recognize the importance of…

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Understanding the churn rate formula

The article about churn rate calculation shows that analyzing churn rate is critical for your successful business. This time, we will give you a rundown of multiple ways to calculate churn rate.  One of the two most straightforward ways is to calculate the percentage of users churned in a time…

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The importance of churn rate calculation

Churn rate is one of the most critical business metrics for the business. A churn rate that is high or increases constantly can be detrimental to the profitability and growth potential of a business. Hence, a good understanding of churn rate will be the key factor for success. A lot…

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Why we need to understand churn out?

1. What is churn out Churn out means a customer “breaks up” with a company and stops using its product or service, also known as customer attrition. No businesses can avoid churn. Due to its negative impact on the growth of business, many are struggling to reduce it.   2. Customer…

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What is a checkout page?

A checkout page is the page(s) that buyers have to come through in order to finish a purchase. Occasionally, businesses will provide all the necessary information on one page so that customers can complete their orders without having to jump to another tab. Some businesses also have a multi-page checkout…

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The meaning of checkout as guest

Check out as a guest means customers can make purchases without logging or creating accounts. The brand does not keep any of customers’ information throughout the checkout process. Therefore, returning shoppers will have to re-enter their information for subsequent purchases. 1. Why is Guest Checkout beneficial Guess checkouts can increase…

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What we need to know about chargeback?

1. What does chargeback mean? A chargeback is a request made by a cardholder for a refund from their bank. When a customer is not satisfied with the product/service’s quality or cannot recognize a particular transaction, he has the right to refuse it and demand a chargeback. The credit-card provider,…

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The best way to utilize Facebook’s CBO Ads

Nowadays it is a norm to use campaign budget optimization Facebook ads to get the most out of your advertising campaign and for those who have not used it, you are missing out. Need not to worry for this article will guide you through the basic steps to master the…

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