Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

Abandoned cart recovery methods

Bringing traffic to your site is a costly task; therefore, you should try many ways to turn interested visitors into buyers. Abandoned cart recovery may be the simplest method, when you retarget your visitors and remind them to check out their carts. Retargeting is a promising marketing strategy that will undoubtedly scale up your eCommerce business. Here are several methods for retargeting:

1. Sending abandoned cart recovery emails

Sending emails to remind buyers about their cart is the most commonly used strategy for abandoned cart recovery. This method has also proved to be the most efficient among all the other ones.

You should send a series of abandoned cart recovery emails, each at a specific time, then stop after the cart has been recovered.

See how to conduct an abandoned cart recovery email campaign and how to write an abandoned cart email.

2. Pop-Ups 

Popups are graphical & small windows that appear suddenly on users’ website browsers with short messages. You can use them for different objectives such as collecting emails, advertising new products or informing your customers about a promotion. 

 If you want to remind buyers of abandoned cart recovery, you can show in the popups what your buyers left in their cart.

3. Push notifications

You can send your customers push notifications about their cart’s content. The reach is high. With this method, you can also track the open rates and CTR rates to improve content. There will be higher engagement rates as relevant notifications are sent to relevant customers.

4. Message marketing

Social media helps you get personally connected. Not just that, it is free of cost and convenient to get connected with your customers. With this method, you can send a personal message to your customer gently reminding them about their cart.

If you can gain access to your customers’ phone numbers, SMS marketing is another great means to remind buyers of their abandoned cart.