Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

5 important things about customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction could be defined as a factor used to measure the satisfaction of a customer throughout their shopping experience. By mostly using customer satisfaction surveys, brands could quantify this either positive or negative feeling.

Responses from those surveys are believed to give sellers a glimpse of their average level of customer satisfaction, plus customer loyalty so as to predict customer referrals expectations.

If customer satisfaction is not thoroughly measured, business owners would struggle in order to identify unsatisfied customers who could churn or leave negative feedback. Moreover, you cannot identify happy customers who could eventually be evangelists or referrers to your brand. It is also impossible to predict or prevent customer churn without proper metrics. 

1. Customer satisfaction helps you identify unsatisfied customers as well as happy customers

You can’t analyze unhappy customers’ feedback, or make changes to your product or service to increase customer satisfaction if you have never known why your customers are unsatisfied. It is important to keep in mind that your customers are gonna recommend your brand to new customers if they are happy with your products and/or services, thus helping your business grow faster and save you from the pricey customer acquisition cost.

2. Customer satisfaction helps you forecast new trends and work dynamically

Customer success teams might find it struggling to plan and inform priorities without measuring Customer satisfaction and similar customer success metrics. Data and trends are needed so as  to forecast the market for the next month, quarter, and year to adapt new business strategy.

3. Customer satisfaction helps attract new leads

It is advisable for your marketers to work based on customer testimonials to attract new leads to your brand. As customers tend to trust other users, these reviews could be of extreme help in attracting customers. It has been shown that 55% of customers are willing to pay extra just for a guaranteed enjoyable shopping experience. The better your customer satisfaction is, the more material your marketers would have to boost up your brand in the competitive market.

4. Customer satisfaction guides product updates

Negative customer reviews help notify companies of issues of a product and/or service that needs fixing. By keeping a close eye on Customer satisfaction, development teams can correct costly product roadblocks that may lead to churn.

5. Customer satisfaction helps improve customer retention

It is obvious that as long as your customers are satisfied, your customer retention would be better. Happy customers tend to stick to one brand only, as there are no reasons for them to switch to another competitor.

So, there you have it. To sum up, customer satisfaction is extremely vital to your business thanks to its indirect ability to solve issues, prevent churn, and identify satisfied customers that can become your advocates at no cost.