Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

Why understand unique selling proposition (USP) is crucial?

The unique selling proposition (USP), also known as unique selling point, is the key factor which highlights what differs you from your competitors to your customers. In online marketing, knowing how to create a USP is an essential marketing strategy in order to attract new customers for your business. 

1. The importance of a strong USP

A strong, beneficial USP would be able to define your brand in the competitive market, thus playing an important role in helping you gain success. Therefore, it is important that you utilize your USP and make it become the key factor of your business marketing strategy.

2. Strategies to develop a strong USP

To put it simply, it is impossible to find a USP development strategy that is certain to go well with any business. However, it is known that there exists some methods that can work across marketplaces and be applied by any business owner in order to make their own unique selling proposition for their brands.

A business can communicate their USP to their potential customers via several methods. Here are some of the frequently employed ones: 

  • Make use of advertising: Both means of advertising via the traditional mass media and brand marketing campaigns can help a brand reach their target audience, thus communicating their USP and attracting new potential customers.
  • Content Marketing: The ability to create viral content that could attract audiences and, at the same time, answer the questions why, and how your business differs from your competitors is an important factor in communicating USP.
  • Website: In most cases, USP is presented as the tagline of a web page or on a product page of an eCommerce website.
  • Social Media: Thousands of companies are making full use of social media in communicating their USP by various means, one of which is sponsorship with KOLs.
  • Search Engines Optimization: Optimizing web visibility on search engines such as Google is also another good method for businesses to show their USPs and stand out from the crowd.