Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

What is frequently bought together recommendation?

Frequently bought together recommendation

1. What is “Frequently bought together recommendation”?

Frequently bought together recommendation is a sales tactic that aims to make customers buy more products than they’re supposed to.

2. How does it work?

Let’s say, as a customer, you visit an online store and find a pen (the product you are looking for). Right after adding the pen to your cart, a section titled Frequently Bought Together shows up suggesting you buy a notebook or a ruler together with the pen. That is the way the Frequently bought together recommendation works.

3. How to apply it to your store on ShopBase?

With the aim to help sellers to increase sales at the lowest cost possible, ShopBase offers a wide range of sales tactics, including Frequently bought together recommendation, for FREE.

If you already sign up with ShopBase and want to apply “Frequently bought together recommendation” to your store, you just need to activate the Boost Upsell app. The app is free to use and you can customize different sales tactics right in your ShopBase dashboard.

Data-backed fact: Boost Upsell helps increase sales by up to 10%.