Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

Tips To Improve Your Mobile Ecommerce Presence and Sales Results

Mobile e-commerce, also known as mobile commerce, refers to the cash exchange between online stores and customers on mobile devices such as tablets, mobile phones or laptops. They can make purchases on these devices by connecting to networks that allow online shopping. Each transaction, by any method, is considered an ecommerce transaction. To expand your customer base, it is a wise choice to create a mobile site or mobile commerce app for your online store. 

Tips on how to build a better mobile ecommerce app

1. Comprehensible design

Unlike computer devices, the screen of a mobile device is a lot smaller and can only display a limited amount of content. That is why your mobile site or mobile app should have a clean, precise layout that is easy to navigate around and look for products.

  • Do not include too much text or flowery animations.
  • Choose a pleasant color scheme that fits your store’s aesthetic.
  • Format your texts carefully and thoughtfully. 

2. Speedy interactions

If your mobile site or mobile app has an individual account feature, always try to make the register, login and checkout process as straightforward as quick as possible. No one would enjoy long lists of information while checking out, creating wish-list, subscribing to get notified about out-of-stock products, etc. 

The best method of login is via their Google account, Facebook or Twitter because it is very likely that your customers have already had those. Another benefit is this is you can utilize the share button because they will share the products to their social media.

3. Consistency

A messy user interface should be avoided to make a better mobile ecommerce app.

  • Visual consistency: everything should be in the same style throughout the app.
  • Functional consistency: interaction triggers should be the same for every page.
  • External consistency: the design of your app should go along the same line of your website.