Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

The ultimate guide to ecommerce analytics

The Ecommerce world is constantly shifting as technology advances, setting a new standard for online marketing. In order to keep up with the pace, store owners should be able to adapt and learn what are the best marketing tactics in the industry. We present the most powerful tool for you to do so: Ecommerce analytics.

1. What is Ecommerce Analytics?

Ecommerce analytics is a system that focuses on gathering information about your business such as user’s demographic and habits, traffic, marketing status, etc. on your online website. These data will be used to research trends and discover your strengths and weaknesses to assist your decision-making process.

2. Why should you use Ecommerce Analytics?

For online stores, it is crucial to know what to put time and money in, since both of those are not infinite. Having analytics will help you understand what marketing strategies are working or not and invest more on them. If you do not have data, you will make the mistake of not doubling down on effective channels and spread your fund to both good and bad ones. 

Your store’s success depends heavily on customer behaviors as well, and this is also where analytics come in. With statistics on your customers’ demand, you can see what products you should be pushing and what is not making profit to make changes to marketing strategies.

For more than half of the market, measuring and analyzing ecommerce productivity as a distribution channel is not an easy task despite its informational values. Therefore, knowing what is trending also helps you gain a competitive advantage against other brands that lack information. 

3. How to start with Ecommerce Analytics?

For beginners, it is essential to have a system or a tool to help you collect data and analyze it for you. We recommend checking out our review of Ecommerce analytics tools for reference. Keep in mind that everything requires learning and researching so you will have to spend some time equipping yourselves with basic analytical knowledge before getting into web analytics.