Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

The meaning of cross-selling

Cross-selling is a sales technique that is utilized to increase revenue by suggesting your customers winning products in addition to their order. In this way, you can encourage them to spend more. For example, a laptop cover or a mouse could be cross-sold to a customer buying laptop. By showing your customers the cross-selling products at the right time, there is high potential for increasing average order value

In eCommerce, we tend to find cross-selling on product pages, and/or in product pages, and/or during the checkout process. With this method, you can offer buyers items they haven’t been offered before, while also earning their trust as a reliable retailer for customers’ satisfaction.

Why cross-selling?

There are several reasons to explain why cross-selling is needed for your business. Just take a look at the most important ones so as to be sure that this sales tactic is exactly what you need for your business.

1. ROI increase

The most easy to recognize advantage of cross-selling is it helps to raise your conversion rate as well as revenue per sale. According to Amazon-provided data, 6% of their revenue is from upselling and cross-selling tactics. Managers can constantly brighten the financial outlook of a business by making the best out of this technique.

2. Customer Loyalty

The biggest advantage of cross-selling is the opportunity to offer your customers items which may also be of use to them. If you provide them with really useful items, your customers will find your business knowing how to take care for buyers. That explains why customer satisfaction and loyalty are so closely-related to cross-selling.

Here your main task is to inform your customers about items that they might find them come in handy. Needless to say, cross-selling is the best method for this. Furthermore, this is also another great way to establish a good relation with your clients and provide them with an option in order to pick the best items available for them.