Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

Strategies for eCommerce promotional campaign


Promotional campaign, also frequently known as advertising campaign, could be defined as the practice of using advertisements on various marketing platforms such as internet, newspapers, television, radio, and print advertising, etc. in order to promote a business to a targeted audience. 

A promotional campaign usually depends on those three factors:

  • Budget: The intended cost your business is willingly to invest in this campaign.
  • Plan of action: Which specific strategy your business is opting for so as to launch a successful promotional campaign.
  • Targeted audience: In eCommerce, this refers to who you are selling your products and/or service to and their interest.


  • Social media

Using social media is usually deemed as a great and often-free method to connect your brand with your potential customers. Therefore, it is important to opt for the most suitable social media platforms for launching your brand’s promotional campaigns. Another tip for this strategy is to add a touch of personal feeling. If you want to boost up your online conversion rate, you might have to purchase sponsored ads displays. 

  • Making use of referral marketing

A study has pointed out that 92% of people will rather believe in an actual recommendation of a product and/or service recommendation from a friend than any other form of business marketing. This is often known as word of mouth (WOM) marketing. Another alternative you could opt for is using dark social media, which is sharing content through a third party, to get more recommendations. In fact, 70% of global brand referrals are from dark social, not on actual social media platforms.

  • Free samples and coupons

A simple fact: People do love free goods. And obviously there is nothing more tempting to them than being offered free goods. Therefore, it is often deemed as good advice for businesses, especially entrepreneurs, to provide their customers with free samples or free trials or their products. Offering coupons could be another good choice because it could influence customer behavior, turning them into repeat customers.