Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

Mobile friendly website and tips you need to know

1. What is a mobile friendly website?

A website that has mobile friendly design is a site that provides ease of navigation and view to customers via all kinds of mobile devices, from tablets to mobile phones and laptops. In mobile ecommerce a website that is mobile friendly will make it more convenient and will enable customers to use their mobile devices to surf and interact with your online store without having to download an app. The activities will be featured similarly to normal websites, including searches, product filter and selection, login, and checkout. 

2. What factor to look out for when designing a mobile-friendly website

  • Page layout: The user interface of the site should be comprehensible with everything neatly put together. There are some standard mobile friendly layout guidelines that you can follow.
  • Search engine: The search tool should be at a visible place with a placeholder in the bar. You should also allow misspelled words search and make it easier to clear with an “X” to the right since the screen is limited and may be hard to precisely type with a small keyboard.
  • Navigation: Provide a menu for navigation with clear indicators of how to open/close it. The menu should also include product categories and subcategories.
  • Buttons: The buttons should be optimally designed, it should be large enough with noticeable colors, but not too distracting. Buttons should have mini illustrations that demonstrate their functions as well.
  • Forms: Small details like allowing one-click checkout for guests, optional password visibility, social media sign in integration, auto correct and auto complete, etc. can significantly improve mobile users’ experience during their web visit.

Contacts: You should keep yourself reachable by providing contacts on the website. Make it obvious and copyable. You can enable the customers to directly contact your phone number when clicking on it or open an email form to send you when clicking on your address.