Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

How to utilize your thank you page

A thank you page could be defined as a page to which your customers are directly sent after having finished a specific goal on your site such as downloading an Ebook, subscribing newsletter, and making a purchase. It does not only confirm a finished action, but also engages with your visitors, which enhances their shopping experiences.

1. What should a Thank you page include

The very first element of your thank you page, as the name has it all, is the word “Thank you” in one way or another. It could be a basic “Thank you”, or “Order confirmed!”, etc. 

The next element should be further instructions. For example, if your customers signed up for an ebook, they should see a note saying “Check your inbox”; or, if they made a purchase, they should see a thank you note with a line that says “An email that contains information of your order has been sent.”

Last but not least, you should add a call-to-action (CTA) in your thank you page. It should be clear, straightforward and suggest further activities such as checking out other products, blogs or just simply redirecting them to the homepage.

To sum up, a thank you page should include at least those 3 essential elements:

  • Thank you note (and/or confirmation)
  • Further instructions
  • Call-to-action

However, there are other elements you could also add to your thank you page in order to create a better experience for your customers:

2. Social media

This is a simple and easy method but could be of great help to your business in terms of marketing. By adding sharing buttons on social media platforms, you could greatly increase your website traffic. Therefore, it is recommended to include social media sharing buttons on both your landing page and thank you page.

Also, it is advised for you to encourage visitors to follow your business on social media platforms. When a customer has finished an activity on your website, they have already engaged with your business to some extent. Therefore, allowing them to follow you on social media could ensure a better connection with your customers, thus helping your business grow.

3. Newsletter

Once your customers have engaged with your business, it should be easier to get them signing up for your newsletter for further exclusive deals and promotions. This helps create more repeat customers for you. 

4. Coupon code

Apart from newsletter, providing your customers with coupon codes could act as a practical method in attracting repeat customers. Also, this could create a surprise for them when they are not expecting any rewards, this enhancing their shopping experience with you. Another tip is to add expiry dates for those coupon codes so as to ensure that they would be more anxious to make another purchase on your site.