Ecommerce Encyclopedia

‟Ecommerce is a powerful means to connect the unconnected to global trade” - Arancha Gonzalez

How to prevent and handle delay shipping

Starting an e-commerce business means you will have the modern conveniences of not needing a physical shop, but online stores still come with a catch. Since customers can order products at just about everywhere using the Internet, you have the responsibility to always be ready for delivery. This article will discuss how you can avoid and deal with shipping delay, one of the most prominent obstacles to 5-star customer service.

1. Strategies to prevent shipping delays

  • Use third-party logistics (3PL): Having a fulfillment company take care of your warehousing, packing and shipping your orders helps outsourcing a lot easier as well as ensuring punctual delivery. Instead of doing the work yourself, you can make use of 3PL service for its agility in packaging and delivering products, especially during public holidays.
  • Provide an ETD (estimated time of delivery): ETD is the expected time that an order is shipped to the delivery address. You can anticipate how much time sudden complications may cost and set the time span accordingly. It is necessary to have an ETD because it offers flexibility while the consignee sets an expectation for when the products will arrive.
  • Keep Your Inventory In Check: In many cases, your store is put under time pressure when customers place orders but the products are out of stock. If your inventory is not updated regularly, it will be difficult then to complete the order in time. 

Ok, let’s say you have tried your best to avoid delivery delay, but it still happens. Now what?

2. How to manage shipping delays

  • Inform your customers: when an order is likely to exceed ETD, you should send your clients a warning and explain the reason why. It is also better to use real-time tracking as your customers will feel respected and secured with your procedures.
  • Provide alternatives: shipping delays will annoy your customers in one way or another, so you should ease them with coupons for their next purchase or something to compensate for the delay. 
  • Ensure clear communication between your online store and the service provider: when the reason for shipping delay stems from your shipping partner, you should speak to them to understand the problems and work together to come up with the best solution.